Sunday 14 September 2014

Reflection On Whether I Am Tim Or Storm

I was thoroughly entertained by Tim Minchin's Storm the Animated Movie. I believe I am more like Tim. I know that people are living longer due to advances in technology, medicine and science, there is an increase in Life Expectancy in the modern world. More people are living longer due to these advances, and less people are dying before 40 due to ill health. A lot of pharmaceuticals are derived from natural remedies or plant extracts, such as antibiotics which are derived from fungi. I am like Tim in other ways, I believe in physics, matter and the big bang theory, and a lot in scientific facts. However I do agree with Storm in a sense that pharmaceutical companies are greedy and that there are SOME natural remedies that are better than what these companies put on the market. I do not believe that science has an explanation for everything that happens in our universe, some things cannot be explained. As for fortune telling, I don't really have an opinion on whether or not it is actually true and it depends on the type. It may be. I am a strong believer in knowledge and enlightenment, but I also believe in the supernatural to an extent. But I think that faith can blind people from seeing what is actually going on, I agree that faith can cause the denial of observations so that belief can be preserved and it can control what the population thinks. There is nothing wrong with having faith in a supreme being, each to his own. Most humans have the desire to believe and have hope in something- as for whether or not it may be true who knows? Faith is a controversial issue, and most are biased and opinionated when discussions about faith start. I am a strong believer in Science and more like Tim than Storm, but I will not dismiss that there is no supernatural or a deity(s). Who really knows?

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