Thursday 18 September 2014

A Summary of Luna S. Kristic

I am Luna S. Kristic and Marie Gabay The Logical Pagan. Two different persons  in one.

I know how to:
  • Play Field Hockey, Cricket, Rugby, Football and Softball.
  • Feel deeply while thinking and conversing rationally.
  • Understand the many different perspectives.
I know that:
  • Everything comes with a price.
My biases are:
  • I believe that EVERYONE should have equal rights on the basis of religion, race, sexual orientation and gender. (This is not really a bias to me- your religious beliefs/practices should not affect another person or peoples who have no interest in it whatsoever.)
  • I am a revolutionary- everything should be changed for the better whether or not some disagree.
  • I believe that people are given too much choices-that's why we have so many problems-we try to please others instead of doing what needs to be done for the better of everyone.
  • I am in support of there that there should be a separation of religious ideas/beliefs from the state. I think religious control leads to outrage, it is unfair and opinionated.
  • Michelangelo and Galileo are brilliant.
  • The only males that I like are my teammates/the bros and my family. The rest annoy me.
  • My experiences.

Sunday 14 September 2014

Reflection On Whether I Am Tim Or Storm

I was thoroughly entertained by Tim Minchin's Storm the Animated Movie. I believe I am more like Tim. I know that people are living longer due to advances in technology, medicine and science, there is an increase in Life Expectancy in the modern world. More people are living longer due to these advances, and less people are dying before 40 due to ill health. A lot of pharmaceuticals are derived from natural remedies or plant extracts, such as antibiotics which are derived from fungi. I am like Tim in other ways, I believe in physics, matter and the big bang theory, and a lot in scientific facts. However I do agree with Storm in a sense that pharmaceutical companies are greedy and that there are SOME natural remedies that are better than what these companies put on the market. I do not believe that science has an explanation for everything that happens in our universe, some things cannot be explained. As for fortune telling, I don't really have an opinion on whether or not it is actually true and it depends on the type. It may be. I am a strong believer in knowledge and enlightenment, but I also believe in the supernatural to an extent. But I think that faith can blind people from seeing what is actually going on, I agree that faith can cause the denial of observations so that belief can be preserved and it can control what the population thinks. There is nothing wrong with having faith in a supreme being, each to his own. Most humans have the desire to believe and have hope in something- as for whether or not it may be true who knows? Faith is a controversial issue, and most are biased and opinionated when discussions about faith start. I am a strong believer in Science and more like Tim than Storm, but I will not dismiss that there is no supernatural or a deity(s). Who really knows?

Glossary For Theory Of Knowledge

Knowledge - Knowledge is facts, skills, information gained from enlightenment or through experience. Knowledge can also be the practical or theoretical understanding of a task or subject.

Cynicism - The term Cynicism is derived from a group of ancient Greek philosophers known as the Cynics who believed that people are motivated by self-interest and not for honourable or unselfish reasons or motives. Cynicism is this belief.

Skepticism - Skepticism is the theory that certain knowledge or truths is impossible or false.

 Skeptic- A Skeptic is a person inclined to question or doubt accepted opinions.

Relativism - Relativism is the belief that knowledge, truth and morality exist in relation to society, culture and/or a historical context and are not necessarily valid.

Relativist - A Relativist is a person who believes that knowledge, truth and morality exist in relation to society, culture and/or a historical context and are not necessarily valid.

Philosophy - Philosophy is the study of the fundamental nature of knowledge, reality, and existence, especially when considered  an academic discipline.

Personal Knowledge- Gained from your experiences.

Shared Knowledge- It is obtained through gathered information, made collections and from multiple people.

Thursday 11 September 2014

Socrates Ideologies

Socrates was a Greek philosopher who was considered the "(Western) Father of Philosophy" and he lived around 469-399 B.C. I admire Socrates greatly, he was ahead of his time and a brilliant philosopher. One of my favourite quotes by Socrates is  "what I do not know I do not think I know". Socrates was saying he was very aware that he did not know many things, and that wrongdoings were committed due to a person's or people's unawareness or ignorance. I am not sure whether or not I agree with Socrates on the latter, I think I agree and disagree to an extent. People can be oblivious to doing wrong, while they may be very aware of their wrongdoing and still continue to be arrogant and sinister. It all depends on the situation where this quote is being applied to.
Most Athenians did not like Socrates, his philosophical ideologies went against everything they believed in. When Socrates was jailed and stood on trial he preached that the most important thing for families' loved ones was their soul/mental/emotional well being and not occupations and titles. That was a very bold and liberal statement, especially during that time period.  I agree with Socrates on this because a high-paying job does not ensure someone's happiness. Happiness comes from within a person. Socrates was a strong advocate for building oneself rather than focus on materialistic things and I know from personal experience that these materialistic things do not ensure one's happiness.